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Our first week was wonderful...we worked on building our classroom community.  We established a “Classroom Expectation” (Teaching with Love and Logic, Fay & Cline), where I shared what is important to me and ask the students to share what is important to them. We established the following as our “Class Expectation:"

Students can do anything that does not cause a problem for anyone

else...including Mrs. Munson.

* I teach when there are no distractions or other problems.

* I listen to students who raise their hand.

* I listen to one person at a time.

* If someone causes a problem, I will do something.

* What I do will depend on what happened and what the person is willing to do to solve the problem.

academic,art materials,back to school, colors,doodles,drawings,iStockphoto,colored pencils,school supplies, sketches
We will need and use a variety of supplies during the school year.  Below is a list of supplies students will need plus some supplies we use in the classroom.  Thank you for supplying your child and our classroom.
Student Supplies:
#2 pencils
colored markers
colored pencils
glue sticks
red and green pens
1 large eraser
pencil/supply box...that fits inside desk
Donations for Classroom Use:
boxes of tissuses (like Kleenex)
paper towels
Ziploc bags (different sizes...snack, sandwich, quart, and gallon)
Clorox Wipes
antibacterial hand sanitizer
Post It Notes
Supplies I will provide, please do not purchase these:
composition notebook
spiral notebook
three-ring notebook and pocket dividers
Ways to Contact Me...
*Phone:  623-393-3939
*Email:  randie.munson (add @dvusd.org)
*Written Notes